---Reptiles & Amphibians
Aubrecht & Brader (Ed.).
Current situation of threatened and selected bird species in Upper Austria
- Title
- "Current situation of threatened and selected bird species in Upper Austria (Species listed in Annex I of the EU-Birds Directive, Species of Particular European Conservation Concern (SPECs), species of the Austrian Red List)". In Vogelkundliche Nachrichten aus Oberösterreich - Naturschutz aktuell. 1997 Special Volume.
- Author
- Aubrecht, Gerhard & Martin Brader (Editors)
- Year
- 1997
- Illustrator
- Holzer, G.
- Contents
- simultaneously a species list of the birds discussed
- Bibliography
- Literature
- Index
- none
- Pages
- 148
- Categories
- Wildlife Conservation, Birds
- Language
- German (de) with English (en) abstract
- Abstract
- This documentation shows the current situation of 193 bird species recorded in Upper Austria and fulfilling the following criteria:
- recorded in Upper Austria within the last 10 years; listed in
- Annex I of the EU Bird Directive or in
- the Austrian Red List or
- belonging to "Species of Particular European Conservation Concern" (SPEC).
Existing knowledge, gaps in knowledge, need for action in research and conservation are reported for each species.
Most of the data have been gathered by members of "Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft am OÖ. Landesmuseum" and "Birdlife Austria, Landesstelle Upper Austria".
The documentation is primarily thought to offer knowledge and working basis for persons active in nature conservation or concerned with applying the EU Bird Directive.
It will be necessary to update these results regularly. Future investigations will have the chance of comparing their findings with this recent documentation.
The book "Current situation of threatened and selected bird species in Upper Austria" was published by G. Aubrecht und M. Brader as the 1997 Special Volume of "Vogelkundl. Nachrichten OÖ. - Naturschutz aktuell" and financed by the Upper Austrian provincial government.
- Source of Supply
- Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Biology Center
J.-W.-Klein-Str. 73
A-4040 Linz-Dornach