The UN has declared 2003 the International Year of Freshwater.
Here you will find books in the categories Biology, Animals, Nature, Wildlife, Conservation, Ecology, Environment, and more.
Most of the following titles are offered for sale on line in association with leading on-line bookstores.
Besides books you can also find audio cassettes, music CDs, video cassettes and DVDs here.
Just click on a category in the left-hand column then on a title or cover image for detailed information.
If you can't find what you're looking for, please ask me.
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I want to help you find what you're looking for.
If you're planning a birding or other outdoor trip, just tell me where, and I will help you find:
field guides to birds or other animals or plants
wildlife and bird finding guides
species checklists
nature travel guides
topographic/hiking/biking/ski touring maps and guides
and more.
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